
Curious Case of QR

Scan It

A lot has been written about the QR code technology. It is fairly common now. Any one who frequently uses public transport has been exposed to the “square barcode”.

In terms of technology the QR code is easier to scan, can contain much more information and being license free is commercially very attractive to companies.

So why have I NEVER seen any one pull out their iphone, android or blackberry to scan the QR code??

There seems to be just something awkward about the process. Maybe it reminds us of the grocery store clerk. Maybe we expect advertising to “talk to” us and don’t want it to be a conversation.

What’s a marketer to do? Relate scanning QR code to something that includes activity. Random prize draws, direct link to “share your idea”, play a short game (games are the most popular phone apps during transit)

Marketing lesson: even diamonds need to be polished and displayed in the right light to get a good price for them. QR and other upcoming technologies can be real assets at almost no investment only if companies put in the effort and make sure consumers use them.

Until next time,


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